It was a beautiful day in May 1906 when two gentlemen stood on a busy street in Malmö, watching as carts passed by with squeaky wooden wheels and clacking horseshoes. They noticed a new shop opening across from them, called Engelska Herr, which specialized in Anglophilia-inspired fashion. Little did they know that this shop would mark the beginning of an international menswear concept - baltzar.com. Engelska Herr, located on the corner of Djäkne/Baltzargatan, is one of the oldest and now the fastest-growing menswear specialists in Sweden. They are also the first friends of Baltzar.com. The store aims to meet the needs of modern gentlemen seeking high sartorial standards, casual elegance, and comfortable smart wardrobe options. Today, their vision is carried out by a versatile team of stylish Swedes who are ready to guide you towards excellence in apparel.


  • Email: butik@engelskaherr.se
  • Address: Djäknegatan 22, 211 35, Malmö
  • Phone: +46 040 23 37 66


  • Mon-Fri: 11:00-18:00
  • Sat: 11:00-16:00
  • Sun: CLOSED